Getting ready to go on a cruise!
I'm leaving in less than 48 hours to go on a cruise with my mom. She's lost a lot of weight (we now share clothes, which is kinda odd--thank goodness she shrunk to me and I didn't grow to her!), and this cruise is a celebration of that (plus, a time to get away!) While I'm gone, my wonderful husband will be taking care of the girls. I have no worries about it, either. He's not one of those days who will trash the house, feed the girls junk food, and let them stay up all night, so I can go away and have an amazing time (although I will miss my family LIKE CRAZY!)
So, to get ready for me being gone for a week, I've been trying really hard to go grocery shopping, get the house cleaned, do laundry, etc. I don't think it's fair to go away for a week and leave a huge "to-do" list for Luke. Plus, he's worked like a dog this week getting yard work done (he hauled away brush, cut down a tree and hauled that away, and probably picked up and laid 8 yards of woodchips). The yard looks amazing right now! I can't wait for another few weeks so I can plant flowers and get my hanging baskets out! I LOVE this time of year (except for the allergies!)
I am thankful for so many things right now. Thankfulness is easy when life is easy, but as a Christian, I know that being joyful in the midst of the storm is a characteristic of mature faith. I am certainly thankful I'm not in the midst of a storm right now (we've had our fair share of those!) Sure, things are really tough financially and will be until I start to work, but I am thankful that our bills are paid and that we have food to eat (and sometimes there's even enough left over to go out for ice cream!) I'm thankful that I purchased a new pair of running shoes this week. I'm thankful that my 10K time is getting significantly faster. I'm incredibly thankful for my husband who works so incredibly hard in every area of his life--work, family, home, church, in order to show me and our girls his love for us.
And, this time next week...I'll be incredibly thankful to the person who invented sunscreen!