Twice in a week!
Yup, I've found time to blog twice this week.
This blog started a little over a year ago as Luke and I strived to be content with what we have and joyful for today (instead of talking about life AFTER graduation, life WITH a job, etc). How have we done?
Well, I guess this word sums it up: Okay
Gratefulness and contentment are hard concepts to internalize, especially in a society that is always telling you that you need more, faster, newer, better, etc.
It's one thing to know in my head, but to live it is totally different. The towels that would look sooooo nice in my bathroom are clearanced.
But, will it make me happy? (No--happiness can't be purchased, even at Pottery Barn!)
Life after nursing school will be soooo nice--no homework!
But, am I just trading one set of stress for another?
Until I'm physically in the presence of my Maker, I know that I will always struggle with being content with what I have, where I'm at, and the circumstances of life. That doesn't mean that it's wrong to want nice things (like matching towels!), but I need the mental shift in my thinking. I have tried many times in my life to fill a spiritual need with a physical object, and it has yet to work (I kinda highly doubt it will EVER work).
All that being said, I am looking forward to nursing school graduation! But, I'll focus more on the enjoyment of each day and being thankful and grateful for each day!