Sunday, February 17, 2008


As I have often protested on this blog, I am NOT the most flexible person on earth. My (lack of)flexibility has been the thorn in my side since the "sit and reach" test in 9th grade PE (thanks for the complex, Mrs. Meyers!) I did manage to pass that awful test back on a spring day in 1995, but have abandoned all thoughts of it since then....

Until I started pilates...! Then, my lack of flexibility came rearing its ugly little head. I realized I could only bend down and touch halfway between my knees and my calfs. I was embarrassed! I had the ability to run miles and miles and miles (okay, 9 was my max!), but couldn't touch my toes. So, I kept working on that pilates video and....

today at the gym (after running three miles) I managed to just touch the tip of my big toe WITHOUT BENDING MY KNEES! I am more proud of myself for THIS accomplishment than for getting that A in nutrition last semester! I still wouldn't be able to pass the "sit and reach" test, but I'm thisclose!

So, I'm a dork!

But, in all seriousness, I am so grateful that God has made our bodies so fearfully and wonderfully! He gave us muscles and bones and tendons and ligaments, all which the intention that we would use them and take care of them! I confess that taking care of my body has not always been a priority, and it's only within the last 1.5 years that I've been convicted of that. In all that I do, whether it's touching my toes or running a half marathon, I need to do it while giving all the glory to God. It says in the Bible that physical training is of some benefit, but spiritual training is what counts (that's the Melissa paraphrase!). My focus really needs to be to shift back to the spiritual part, but not ignore the physical. Today I listened to part of "The Bible Experience" while running, and it was the perfect combination.

A few more things I'm grateful for:
1) I still adore nursing school!
2) A friend had a healthy baby girl last night
3) My eye is doing significantly better

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