Friday, February 8, 2008's Friday again!

Oh, what a week this has been! Last week I had the flu, and this week started out okay but then got crazy pretty quickly! Luke and I went through a lot of our baby things and sold some on Craigslist (I LOVE Craigslist!). Monday started out quiet enough...I taught piano lessons, played with the kids, and got our house ready for Bible study (we have small group at our house every Monday night). I noticed throughout the day that my left eye was hurting, and late that afternoon, it got REALLY bad. It was super red and painful, and I thought, "Great--pinkeye!" I called my doctor and was told go get to the ER because he couldn't be sure it was pinkeye and I needed to have it checked out. My wonderful sister took me, and we got to a VERY busy ER that was filled with people who had terrible coughs, some had puke buckets, and I was suddenly realizing I would be there a long time. I heard people talking about having been there for 2 hours, and I pulled out my nursing notes and tried to study (hard to do when you're having severe eye pain). The ER, however, has a room JUST TO TREAT EYES, so as soon as I got triaged, I got sent back (and yes, I was given some really dirty looks!). I was diagnosed with a pretty serious eye infection (not pinkeye) and referred to an ophthalmologist. The ER doc sent me home with medications and strict orders to call the doctor first thing in the AM. I woke up Tuesday in excruciating pain and was (thankfully) able to get into the doctor almost first thing that morning. I, in fact, had two different eye infections (one caused the other), and was put on some pretty serious medication. I was back at the ophthalmologist's office this morning and the infection is getting better (I'm not in pain anymore), but it looks as if there has been some damage to my eye as my vision is slightly worse now than it was on Tuesday. There's also a very good possibility I could get this particular infection again, which is very discouraging. The worse part? I am now not eligible for LASIK surgery. UGH!!

Other than that, though, this week has been okay :-) I had a nursing test on Tuesday (yes, I took a test with all this eye stuff going on, but I took it in the dark!) and did really well. I also had my first clinical rotation on Thursday. I have decided that I don't think I want to do primary care :-) I do labor and delivery next month and while I expect to find that interesting, I don't think that's the kind of nursing I want to do, either. I am really interested in NICU nursing (or some sort of highly-skilled, fast-paced nursing), and am hoping to spend a day or two in the NICU this semester to observe.

The girls' bedroom furniture came in and is BEAUTIFUL! The downside? Kayla enjoys her "freedom" and hasn't been napping consistently, which makes me very tired!

This weekend should be a fun one for us. Mandy is going to a birthday party Saturday (she's going to bowl, and she's really excited for that!), we have friends from college coming over Saturday afternoon, and Sunday has church and then a "celebration of potty training" party at Chuck E. Cheese for a friend's daughter! I have some homework to do (as normal), but nothing major coming up anytime soon.

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