Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I love school!

I know I'm crazy, but I am loving nursing school! I was told by someone once (she and her husband are in full-time ministry AND she's a professional counselor, so I trust her opinion!) that when you are doing what God wants you to do, you find yourself energized by it. That doesn't mean you don't have days where you are exhausted and wonder why you're doing it, but on the whole, you get energy and excitement from your job. That's how I feel now--energized and excited. I find it thrilling to see how awesome God made our bodies and how awesome it is that there are smart people out there who have learned so much about these bodies of ours. I also am so aware at the sinful nature of our souls and the effects that has on our bodies. As a nurse, every ounce of me wants to take away all the illness, but as a Christian, I know this is going to continue. As awesome as all the medical advances are (and they are pretty awesome!), we will never achieve a state of perfection in our body.

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