Sunday, February 24, 2008


How quickly I have forgotten what Luke and I made as our goal for this year: To be thankful for the blessings we have now and not so future focused that we miss things.

You see, Luke and I have started talking about life after graduation. I'm done with nursing school in just over a year, so the talk of applying for jobs is overshadowing the work I still have to do (I'm not done yet, after all!) There's nothing wrong with talking about the future, but when I'm spending time looking at houses we might be able to buy, planning the Disney vacation that is still a year off, and not focusing my eyes on Christ, I miss a lot of blessings!

So, what I'm thankful for NOW are:
1) My girls....they continually rock my world! I am so thankful that I have them! Bringing both of them into this world was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but they have been more than worth it!

2) My husband...he works so hard for this family and he is trying so hard to take care of us. At the same time, he's working full-time and is a full-time graduate student getting his MBA. And, he still does baths for the girls and makes wonderful dinners without me asking him!

3) Our small group Bible study. We have an amazing group of friends that come over on Monday nights for Bible study/worship/social time. We have had a bummer of a time meeting the last few months (between illness, the weather, the weather, the weather, and the weather!), but we are hoping to get back on track SOON!

Speaking of our small group....please be praying for our friends Jessica and Jonah. She is about 20 weeks pregnant and having complications, forcing her to be on bedrest. Please pray that she does not go into pre-term labor and that her baby can cook for a LONG time! And, pray that Jonah knows the best way to minister to his wife while she deals with bedrest.

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