Saturday, June 21, 2008

No greater joy....

...there really IS no greater joy than when a child chooses to follow Christ. Mandy, age 5, has really been talking a lot about the Lord lately. We have talked about sin (it's the "bad stuff I do mommy--like hit Kayla and not obey mommy and daddy"), Jesus' death and resurrection, and about how she needs Jesus in her heart. She has been able to give the message of salvation for awhile, but it had not yet clicked in her mind yet that she needed to ask Christ for forgiveness. Well, Thursday night she told me she wanted to ask Jesus in her heart "tomorrow," so I didn't push her--I know that the Holy Spirit was working in her heart and would keep teaching her and encouraging her. On Friday she came up to me at bedtime and said, "I asked Jesus in my heart when I was in the bathroom!" Of course, being the parent I am, I ever so encouragingly said, "Do you want to ask Jesus in your heart again so I can hear you?" (Nothing like giving your child a complex about eternal security, huh!) So, she did--and she truly and passionately confessed her sins and told Jesus that she wanted Him in her heart. It was honestly the best moment in my life (Luke agreed). I told Mandy she was now a Christian, and she just BEAMED! I had her call my parents, grandparents, and Luke's parents. After all, news like this should be shouted from the mountaintops! Mandy was most excited to hear (from my Grandpa) that the angels were now celebrating for her. Please pray that Mandy will now really grow in her faith and that her passion for the Lord would continue to grow and strengthen. Pray, also, that Kayla would continue her interest in the work of the Lord. And finally, please pray that Luke and I have wisdom to know how to raise these two daughters to love and seek after the Lord; it's a huge, awesome, amazing responsibility!

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